Making Better Presentations

I’ve been working on a document for the last twenty years, consolidating my notes from presentations that I thought were especially good or bad into a set of advice on presenting well.  This has become my own approach to making presentations, and it works well for me. I’m making the document available publicly here, in case it can help anyone with an idea or two to improve their own presentation skills.

The document is free for personal use, with some restrictions.  Here is an excerpt from the “usage rights” page:

Use and Distribution Rights

Personal use Commercial use
This document may be used (unmodified), copied, and distributed free under the following conditions:

  1. You may make personal, non-commercial use only.
  2. You are granted the right to use, no right to modify.
  3. Author retains all ownership rights.
  4. You may not sell this document, distribute it through a service that charges access fees, or use it in a course or service that charges fees.
  5. The file must be distributed in its entirety with no changes or subsetting.
  6. This rights paragraph must be included in the file.
Contact me to arrange licensing for any commercial uses including

  1. For-profit resale or inclusion in collections;
  2. Distribution via any aggregation system that requires a membership fee;
  3. Use in any course or service that charges a fee;
  4. Right to modify;
  5. Right to subset or create derivative works.


Click here to download the current version of this document in PDF format.

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